
You Call, I Answer: Martin, LFL Call Counselor

You Call, I Answer: Martin, LFL Call Counselor

Dialing or texting 988 is not simply a conversation; it is a bold step to reach out. We understand you, can empathize with your plight, and will do all we can to help. We hurt as a community – now is it time we heal as one. My name is Martin, I’m 43, and I was born and raised in Northeast Portland. I answer helpline calls at Lines for Life. I am...

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Statistics Blur Important Differences Between Asian Cultures – See Us as Individuals

Statistics Blur Important Differences Between Asian Cultures – See Us as Individuals

My name is Amanda Young and I am a Crisis Intervention Specialist at Lines for Life. I identify as an Asian American, and I have been struggling with depression and anxiety since I was about 12, which really pushed me into this field of work. I want to support others.  When people think about communities of color, they don’t generally think of...

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