Services and Crisis Lines

Get Help Now

Help is available 24/7. Language interpreters are available on all helplines.

Lines for Life offers services designed to meet various needs for help over phone, text, and chat. Learn more about our support helplines below and reach out to us if you’re struggling.

Mental Health Services

When you’re struggling or overwhelmed, we’re here to help you get the support you need. We answer 24/7, listen without judgement, and provide resources as needed. Lines for Life’s mental health crisis services connect you to the right care, right now.

988 – Get Help for Thoughts of Suicide or Mental Health Support

988 (Call or Text)

Chat with the 988 Lifeline online, 24/7

The 988 Suicide & Crisis Lifeline connects callers to trained crisis counselors in their area who can offer support and resources. Lines for Life answers over 25,000 Oregon calls to the Lifeline each year.

If you or a loved one are struggling with thoughts of suicide or another mental health crisis, please give us a call.

Learn More about 988 and get help today


Get Help Finding A Provider

Behavioral Health Support Line

The Behavioral Health Support Line is a service for callers in Oregon that provides immediate emotional support, schedules free short-term counseling services, and makes referrals to mental health and substance use recovery providers for ongoing care. Callers do not need to be in a crisis to contact this line.

When you call, you’ll reach someone immediately for crisis support. We will listen as you talk through your needs, and if our service is a good fit for you, schedule your first free appointment with a counselor.

Find the right care and learn about the Behavioral Health Support Line

Ayuda En Español


Ayuda En Español (
Lifeline ofrece 24/7, gratuito servicios en español, no es necesario hablar ingles si usted necesita ayuda.

Recovery Resources

We can help you pave your path to recovery from alcohol or drug use. Lines for Life provides referrals for treatment and counseling services, and can help you access providers that match your needs. We also help people waive citation fines for possession of small amounts of drugs in Oregon.

Get Help for Alcohol & Drug Use

Alcohol & Drug Helpline

If you or someone you know is using substances or dealing with addiction, we offer around-the-clock support from compassionate, nonjudgemental professionals. 

We can help you understand substance abuse, overcome hopelessness, connect to treatment, find resources, support loved ones, and identify next steps. 

Learn more about the Alcohol & Drug Helpline available 24/7

Support and Services for Specific Communities

We know that when it comes to mental health and crisis support needs, one size does not fit all. We offer services for specific communities across Oregon including Service Members and Veterans, those experiencing the impacts of racism, youth, and seniors.

People Experiencing Racism

Racial Equity Support Line

Available Monday-Friday, 10am-7pm Pacific Time

The Racial Equity Support Line is led and staffed by people with lived experience of racism. We offer support to those who are feeling the emotional impacts of race-based violence and microaggressions, as well as the emotional impacts of immigration struggles and other cross-cultural issues.

Many of us experience racism every day. Unfortunately, we live in a culture where race-based bias, violence, and discrimination happen often. From workplaces to housing to healthcare, we know that our communities are not getting the same kind of treatment as others.

Connect with resources and learn more about Racial Equity Support Line

Service Members, Veterans, and their Families

Lines for Life Military Helpline

The Military Helpline offers help and hope to all military-connected community members in the state of Oregon. This helpline is operated independently and not affiliated with the Department of Defense.

Call today and learn more about Military Helpline

Adults 60 and Older

Senior Loneliness Line

Senior Loneliness is a free, confidential call service for Oregonians 60 and older, in partnership with Oregon Health Authority. Our team of volunteers and staff are specially trained in working with older adults to provide friendly conversation, support, and resource referral.

Any aging adult in Oregon who is experiencing loneliness, isolation, depression or anxiety can benefit from a confidential phone call with our Senior Loneliness specialists.

Learn more about Senior Loneliness Line and find support

Youth 21 and Younger

or text teen2teen to 839863
Available every day, 4-10pm Pacific Time

YouthLine is a teen-to-teen helpline which answers calls, texts, and chats from anyone 21 or under. Trained teen volunteers are available to help between 4pm and 10pm Pacific Time. Calls are answered by adults at all other hours. No problem is too big or too small!

Discover YouthLine

Additional Resources

Not ready to call? Find local and national mental health and substance use resources for those struggling, and those with loved ones who are struggling.

Discover resources in your area

Behavioral Health Provider Directory

In partnership with the Oregon Health Authority, our Behavioral Health Provider Directory can help you find the professional support you need. The Behavioral Health Provider Directory can recommend resources for mental health support and substance use disorder treatment services.

Browse the Behavioral Health Provider Directory

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