Finding Support Beyond Your Circle: Oregon’s Behavioral Health Support Line

May 28, 2024 | 
Mental Health Awareness Month

How can you reach out when your go-to isn’t available?

Sometimes we find ourselves needing support, but the people we would normally reach out to aren’t available. Times when:

  • Your most trusted confidant is away on vacation.
  • Your next treatment appointment is days, weeks, or months away.
  • You’re on a waiting list for a therapist who takes your insurance.
  • I’m a failure if I admit something is wrong with me.
  • You just don’t have a go-to person for what you’re going through right now.

When you need support but your go-to isn’t available, there’s a place for you.

Waiting for Care? There’s Another Way to Reach Out

Don’t wait until you’re in crisis to get support. If you’re stuck waiting or looking for mental health therapy or substance use treatment, there’s another place you can reach out to for support.

Oregon’s Behavioral Health Support Line provides immediate emotional support, schedules free short-term counseling services, and makes referrals to mental health and substance use recovery providers for ongoing care.

You can get short-term support sessions from a Masters-level clinician. We’ll help you find a provider who can deliver ongoing mental health care or substance use treatment. And we’ll offer a listening ear and resources to help you manage your mental health concerns until you can access ongoing care.

Curious what getting support looks like?

When you call 1-800-923-4357, you’ll reach a compassionate call counselor like Colleen, who can provide emotional support within a few minutes. We will listen as you talk through your needs, and if our service is a good fit for you, we’ll schedule your first free appointment with a counselor.

In those free, confidential appointments, we’ll map out steps you can take to begin improving your quality of life and plan together for what comes next.

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