OSPC 2023
Oregon Suicide Prevention Conference (OSPC)
Lines for Life, alongside Oregon Health Authority and our community partners, convene experts, professionals, and community members for the annual Oregon Suicide Prevention conference to focus on creative and effective improvements to the field of suicide prevention, intervention, and postvention for all stages of life.
Each year, we welcome regional suicide prevention champions to share ideas and resources, highlight community-centered and culturally specific strategies, and incorporate the insight and expertise of those with lived experience of suicidality and suicide loss.
Our 2023 theme was: Hope Across the Lifespan: Care in Action
Thank You for Attending OSPC 2023
Lines for Life and our partners thank you for attending the Oregon Suicide Prevention Conference! We hope you enjoyed the opportunities to learn, share, and connect at the event and that you returned with ideas and next steps for your community. We encourage you to keep in touch with the leaders, experts, and community members you connected with at the event to continue this important work in your community.
We hope to see you again next year!

View Recorded Keynotes and Plenaries
We Thank our OSPC Sponsors