Reach Out for Support or Lend Yours Today

Apr 30, 2024 | 
Mental Health Awareness Month

When did you last check on your people?

Staying connected is a critical component of enjoying a mentally healthy life!

When we feel down, experience anxiety or grief, or have a mental health emergency, staying connected to others can get us through.

Staying connected is a two-way street – you can reach out to GIVE OR GET support.



If you’re feeling well, now’s a great time to reach out and give support to others! Whether you show up in person, talk on the phone, send a text, or connect on social media, reaching out is a great way to:

  • Show you care and are interested.
  • Let others know they can count on you.
  • Increase everyone’s sense of belonging.
  • Reduce feelings of being a burden.
  • Connect others to additional help or support.

REACH OUT to GET Support

When life gets tough and throws all the wrenches your way, it’s your turn to receive support! It may not always be easy or possible to reach out to those around you.

If you aren’t sure who to reach out to, we’re here to help. Our crisis and emotional support helplines are available 24/7.

Curious what getting support looks like?

Reaching out to get support can feel difficult or intimidating. When you REACH OUT to a confidential support lines, you get to chat with a compassionate person like David. Call counselors spend zero time judging you and 100% of the time listening, helping you find relief, and connecting you to what you need.

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